Concertos for Accordion and Orchestra in the Context of Romantic Traditions of Russian Music of the 20th Century

Main Article Content

Alexander Ye. Lebedev


The article is devoted to study of the influence of romantic tendencies on the development of the genre of the concert for bayan and orchestra in the second half of the 20th century. The article analyzes the key features of the genre of bayan concerto, the dynamics and the degree of penetration of the traditions of romantic era in the structure of musical language, composition and performing techniques.

Keywords: music of Russia, art of bayan, instrumental concerto

Article Details

How to Cite
Lebedev, A. Y. (2010). Concertos for Accordion and Orchestra in the Context of Romantic Traditions of Russian Music of the 20th Century. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 163–166. Retrieved from
Musical Style and Genre
Author Biography

Alexander Ye. Lebedev, Saratov State Conservatory (Academy) named after L. V. Sobinov

Candidate of Arts, Docent at the Department of Orchestral Folk Instruments


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