Five Aphorisms by A. Schnittke: the Conceptual Interpretation of the Cycle

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Sergey Y. Vartanov


The article investigates the ways of integration of conception in the interpretation of piano cycle of the ”Five aphorisms”–composition of A. Schnittke of the late period. The author suggests that main idea for the performer in this case should be an associative plot, which allows him or her to point out the major spheres of the vocabulary of the text. Schnittke suggests the changes of genres, which produce abrupt shifts in the musical language. The role of forming of the whole method of “fall down” is in the focus of this article. The main idea is the contrast of all means of expression on the basis of contradiction of dynamic levels.

Keywords: piano interpretation, conceptual integration, associative plot, motive-plastic signs, fall down

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How to Cite
Vartanov, S. Y. (2011). Five Aphorisms by A. Schnittke: the Conceptual Interpretation of the Cycle. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 9(2), 175–180. Retrieved from
Musical Text and its Performer