Professional Diseases of Students of Educational Institutions of Culture and the Arts and their Preventive Maintenance by Means of Physical Culture

Main Article Content

Marina A. Konyayeva


The article examines the results of research of the causes and factors of development of professional diseases among
students of artistic educational institutions and conservatories. It is ascertained that the reasons for this are presented
by improperly formed professional skills and insufficient potential of somatic health. Research has revealed the
fact of increase of professional diseases and expansion of the card of the diseases themselves to senior university
courses. Professional diseases of musicians start developing at the stage of formation of the musician’s personality
or, in other words, during the period of development of performing and artistic skills as a result of the violation of
the natural physiological laws of the work of the muscles and their functions. This may be caused both by distortion
of work skills and physical features of the organism, as well as the insufficiency of training of the performing
apparatus. Successful work on the part of musicians requires active tension of muscles and their elasticity, so
this results of the constant rising of the question of improving the level of students’ physical preparedness, which
presents the basis for a high level of physical health. An organic and natural sound of music happens only when
the body of the musician is sufficiently trained and is flexible to respond to changing emotional experiences. It is
necessary to develop and train the muscles, to practice various varieties of sports, gymnastics and athletic games
applicable for the winter and the summer. Analysis of professional and artistic activities of musicians shows that
physiologically grounded profiled sport for them is swimming, which is conducive to development of stamina. This
presents the crucial physical quality for musicians of all specialties. Nevertheless, conservatory students do not
come to an awareness of the role of physical culture: most of them consider physical activity to be a useful but not
indispensable activity.

Keywords: professional diseases, movement disorders of the hands, muscular neuralgia of the performing musician,
the musician’s physical health, the musician’s performing apparatus, profiling sport.

Article Details

How to Cite
Konyayeva, M. A. (2016). Professional Diseases of Students of Educational Institutions of Culture and the Arts and their Preventive Maintenance by Means of Physical Culture. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 157–162.
Musical Education
Author Biography

Marina A. Konyayeva, Saratovskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. L. V. Sobinova / Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory

PhD (Pedagogical),
Professor at the Department
of Humanitarian Disciplines
and Physical Culture


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