The Catalogue of Compositions of Maximilian Steinberg: Principles of Systematization

Main Article Content

Irina А. Sinitsa


The article is devoted to the questions of systematization and compilation of works by the well-known Russian
composer, conductor and teacher, Maximilian Steinberg. Catalogues and lists of compositions present themselves as
the most important sources for studying his legacy. The original features in the composer’s musical works determine
the approach towards their description and compilation of the catalogue. On the foundation of analysis of lists of
Steinberg’s compositions existent in various sources, various variants of their systematization are disclosed. The absence
of a comprehensive catalogue of Steinberg’s compositions and works, which would use methods of codicological and
textological descriptions, is acknowledged. The author presents this type of scheme of compilation of a Catalogue of
Steinberg’s Works with the consideration of all his known musical compositions. On the basis of codicological and
textological description of sources a systematization of all musical autograph scores is proposed, and new archival
materials are introduced into scholarly use. The article is of scholarly and practical significance for researchers of
music history, musicologists engaged in textological work, and archivists.

Keywords: source study, catalogues of manuscripts, Maximilian Steinberg, codicological and textological

Article Details

How to Cite
Sinitsa I. А. (2016). The Catalogue of Compositions of Maximilian Steinberg: Principles of Systematization. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 97–100.
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Irina А. Sinitsa, Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet im. A. I. Gertsena / Russian State A. I. Herzen Pedagogical University

Post-graduate student at the Department for Musical
Upbringing and Education


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